Help us spread the awareness for Andy and Alex by wearing our beautiful pin-back buttons! These buttons are 2.25" in diameter and 100% MADE IN THE USA!
The prices below reflect only our cost of printing the buttons, and shipping charges. We do not make a profit on the sale of buttons, but only want to offer a way for people to share Andy's and Alex's story and show their support.
Scroll to the end of this page for a downloadable flyer that we would be glad for you to print and share.

These prices reflect a printing cost of approximately one dollar per button, plus first class postage to any address in the 48 contiguous states. If you have another destination in mind, please contact us for an exact shipping quote. We will always keep the costs as low as possible!
1 button... $5.00
3 buttons... $7.00
5 buttons... $9.00
10 buttons...$14.00
Optional Donation for the Andy and Alex Fund
*The Andy and Alex Fund is being administered by the leadership of Trinity Free Presbyterian Church, in Trinity, AL. This is not a profit venture for the families, but has been set up for those who have reached out to ask how they may contribute to the advocacy effort, and, Lord Willing, to the ongoing needs of the men when they return home.
Trinity Free Presbyterian Church 1280 Old Highway 24 Trinity, AL 35673 Myron Mooney, Pastor Jerry Frank, Treasurer